I am trying to create an user for metricbeat for sending metrics to elasticsearch with limited access (creating the metricbeat indices and adding logs into it). I am getting this error after configuring the metricbeat user: Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to create the Elasticsearch loader: Error creating Elasticsearch client: Couldn't connect to any of the configured Elasticsearch hosts. Errors: [Error connection to Elasticsearch https://elk-central.noodle.ai:9200: 403 Forbidden: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"no permissions for [cluster:monitor/main] and User [name=metricbeat-client, roles=[metricbeat-client], requestedTenant=null]"}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"no permissions for [cluster:monitor/main] and User [name=metricbeat-client, roles=[metricbeat-client], requestedTenant=null]"},"status":403}]
It worked… Thanks.
So my cluster level permission containes CLUSTER_MONITOR, INDICES_ALL and index level permission containes CRUD, CREATE_INDEX, indices:admin/template/get and *indices:admin/template/put
That looks right. You should be able to drop INDICES_ALL from the cluster level permissions since you have the specific indices:admin/template/get and indices:admin/template/put explicitly defined.
You should load dashboards from metricbeat .\metricbeat.exe setup --dashboards
It will load all dashboards from metricbeat-7.3.2-windows-x86_64\kibana\7 folder https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/load-kibana-dashboards.html
As I have shared in this topic, I have done all that you have suggested.
Unfortunately there does not appear to be dashboards specifically for Elasticsearch. That is the core question. I have (1) enabled the Metrobeat Elasticsearch module, (2) I am receiving the data into a metrobeat-* index in Elasticsearch, but (3) there are no Dashboards to visualize Elasticsearch metric data, Only dashboards for the system module.
The Link you sent is useless because I installed the OSS version. So I am trying to understand why I there are no Elasticsearch dashboards anywhere!
It looks like this permission doesnt work on ODFE 7.10.2. I am creating permissions for metricbeats but this doesnt work. Could you please confirm this?