I am working on SSO with keycloak and openid.
I have two clients 1. angular app(client1) 2. kibana(client2). My use case I just want to login to angular app(client1) and client 2 will login with out asking for credentials. and it is working fine. but when I call api’s of kibana to list all dashboards inside my angular app, I am getting authorization error.
case1:(working fine)
when I login to angular application it will ask for credentials and when I load/open Kibana page it will give two cookies(security_storage, security_authentication) with out asking for credentials as sso is working fine and api will give list of dashboards(https://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_find)
case2: (my use case)
I don’t want to open Kibana page. how can I get cookies with out loading kibana, basically I am searching for Api where I can get authentication cookies with out passing credentials as I already logged in to angular application as sso is working
is it possible to make rest calls to client2 with out passing credentials in header as sso is working. if so, please give suggestions.
thanks in advance