Monitor {{}} just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.
- Trigger: {{}}
- Severity: {{ctx.trigger.severity}}
- Period start: {{ctx.periodStart}}
- Period end: {{ctx.periodEnd}}
Failed {{}} login attempts.
{{#ctx.results.0.aggregations.failed_logins.buckets}} user {{key}} had {{doc_count}} failed attempts, {{/ctx.results.0.aggregations.failed_logins.buckets}}
Monitor test1 just entered alert status. Please investigate the issue.
- Trigger: trigger1
- Severity: 1
- Period start: 2024-02-16T00:40:56Z
- Period end: 2024-02-16T00:41:56Z
Failed 20 login attempts.
user admin had 8 failed attempts, user elastic had 7 failed attempts, user pablo had 5 failed attempts,
I tried to send it to the pager duty and its seems like i have a problem ,
i talked with the opensearch and they offer this solution:
{ “event_action”: “trigger”,
“payload” :
{ “summary”: “{{}} -Severity : {{ctx.trigger.severity}}\n -Period start : {{ctx.periodStart}}\n -Period end: {{ctx.periodEnd}}\n -Involved User: {{ctx.Username}}”,
“source”: " {{}}",
“severity”: “critical”