Installation of Open Distro for elasticsearch

I tried to install Open Distro for Elasticsearch through rpm. I was going through the details how to install it by downloading a package given in baseurl. But when checked the link of the package, the given link was not found. Can any one help me out, what should I do ??? The link of the document to install Open Distro is--
The package link is -


All instructions to download and install have been documented here:

Hi Nihal,
Thanks for your reply. I was going through the same doc you provided but still when i am downloading the elasticsearch package from the link given in the dock in rpm installation, it’s showing page not found.
What should I do?

Hi Sourav,

Can you provide the steps you took to install the package and at which step the error occurred?


Hi @sourav.srivastava07 did you get this working? Just checking if the question is still relevant as the version mentioned is very old.