How to validate whether snapshot is working fine

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
I created snapshot repository and snapshots are created on daily basis for the indices. My issue is how can i validate whether snapshot is working fine.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

If the snapshot operation is completed and the status is Success, then I think all data of the indices are backuped to the remote repository, is this what you mean working fine?

thats fine, what i want to test is restore snapshot.
My indices are in format -0001 , will be rolled over to *0002 based on size of index if its more than 20GB.
So in this case how can i check for restore snapshot.

I mean if i delete *0001 , and try to restore , it will take more time ? and also dont know about data loss

Restore snapshot operation takes some time certainly, the time depends on the index size, you can restore a snapshot without deleting the index by renaming the index name, then a new index will be created when restoring. For data loss, I think if the file in the remote repository is not broken or has no loss, then no data loss will happen.

can guide me how to restore without deleting the index

Just like this:

POST /_snapshot/my-opensearch-repo/my-first-snapshot/_restore
  "indices": "opendistro-reports-definitions",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false,              
  "rename_pattern": "(.+)",
  "rename_replacement": "$1_restored",
  "include_aliases": false

, the index opendistro-reports-definitions in the snapshot will be renamed to opendistro-reports-definitions_restored, you can check the documentation of the restore snapshot API: Restore Snapshot - OpenSearch Documentation

Thanks that helped a lot
On the other topic, i created ISM policy to move to warm phase from hot phase with min age as 7days.
But am working on copying old data to opensearch cluster from elasticsearch, so index creation date is of today.
Can suggest to move those old data to Warm/cold phase based on timestamp , as i cant see the policy to edit with timestamp in the source for the index.

The transition condition of ISM policy doesn’t support transiting state based on the time field in the index, because the time field is document level, not index level, state transition should be based on index level information.