Hover over filter in vertical bar in OpenSearch dashboards not showing text

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch Dashboard version is 2.6.0

Describe the issue:
Hover over the filter is not showing text in vertical bar visualization in OpenSearch dashboars.

This was shown in Kibana7.10.0

Could you please provide your suggestions/feedback.


Hey @tejashu

You refering to something like this?

Hi @Gsmitt ,
It is the hover on the โ€œ+โ€ โ†’ filter out value which appears after the legend is clicked for color palette filter as shown for Kibana. The hover text over that โ€œ+/-โ€ sign is not appearing for OpenSearch-dashboards.


Hey @tejashu

ok I see now, same here.

@tejashu That looks like a bug - would you mind opening a GitHub issue for us to fix it? Sign in to GitHub ยท GitHub

Hello @joshuarrrr ,

I have created the bug in GitHub.
Please analyze and let us know.


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