Help requested implementing scroll request in Java Client

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Rest Client 1.3.7
Java Client 1.0.0

opensearch-java 1.0.0 javadoc (org.opensearch.client)

Describe the issue:
I’m having trouble understanding the documentation for implementing a scroll request since I will be executing queries that exceed the maximum 10000 responses.

Currently, my code uses SearchResponse as a stopgap measure like so:

List query = new ArrayList<>();
query.add(new MatchQuery.Builder().field(“customerName”).query(FieldValue.of(name)).build()
BoolQuery boolQuery = new BoolQuery.Builder().must(query).build();
SearchResponse response = → s.index(“customer-index”).size(10000).query(boolQuery._toQuery()),

client is an OpensearchClient
This query is easily expandable by adding more MatchQuerys to the Query List.

This is simply enough, but I am utterly loss on how I might accomplish the same thing with ScrollRequest and response beyond the following:

ScrollRequest request = new ScrollRequest.Builder().build();
ScrollResponse scrollResponse = client.scroll(request, Customer.class);

This has no query and no size. I know there is the scrollId() method.

Is the following the proper implementation?

String scrollId = response.scrollId();
ScrollRequest request = new ScrollRequest.Builder().scrollId(scrollId).build();
ScrollResponse scrollResponse = client.scroll(request, Customer.class);

List<Hit> scrollHits = scrollResponse.hits().hits();

while(scrollHits != null && scrollHits.size() > 0) {
for (Hit hit : scrollHits) {
Customer customer = hit.source();
request = new ScrollRequest.Builder().scrollId(scrollId).build();
scrollResponse = client.scroll(request, Customer.class);
scrollHits = scrollResponse.hits().hits();

ClearScrollRequest.Builder clearScrollRequestBuilder = new ClearScrollRequest.Builder();

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