How can I create a simple match query using Java client?

I am using the Java Client to form match queries but unable to do so. I found the same issue had been raised in ElasticSearch project.

Here is the link to the original issue.

I have run into the same issue. How can I perform a simple match query like below?

    "query": {
        "match": {
            "lastName": "Bruce"
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest.Builder()
        .query(q -> q
                        // what to use here ??

The solution suggests to use SearchSourceBuilder class which is not even available in the OpenSource client jars.

Kindly let me know the solution.

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This is super interesting, but it seems like the only thing you could do is:

SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest.Builder()
    .query(q -> q.match(new NamedQuery.Builder<JsonValue>().name("Bruce").build()))

But that would generated the following query (obviously, not what you want):

  "query": {
    "match": {

Out of all options, probably you could use the different type of query, like queryString, for example:

SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest.Builder()
    .query(q -> q.queryString(qs -> qs.fields("lastName").query("Bruce")))

It seems like issues with autogeneration are still not solved sadly.
Hope it helps.