Flatten nested maps

Hi @all,

I was trying to process events coming from DynamoDB using an ingestion pipeline. The main operation that I’m trying to achieve is to flatten a map and simply getting rid of the outer level (level1)

For example -

   "level1": {
         "level2": {
                    "key": "value"

I want to parse this object, in such a way that level1.level2.key should rename to level2.key.

         "level2": {
                    "key": "value"

Thank you for your help

You mean the ingest pipeline in OpenSearch? You can use both rename processor and remove processor to achieve that:

POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
  "pipeline": {
    "processors": [
        "rename": {
          "field": "level1.level2.key",
          "target_field": "level2.key"
        "remove": {
          "field": "level1"
  "docs": [
      "_source": {
        "level1": {
          "level2": {
            "key": "value"
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I’m definitively gonna give that a try :), and come with feedback. My question was refering to the ingestion pipelines from Data prepper rather than “classical ones”.

Can the same logic be applied there?

Thank for the help :slight_smile:

I think they are similar, Data prepper has rename_keys and delete_entries processor: Mutate event - OpenSearch documentation, you can have a try.

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Hello there,

Found a neat way to do it by using a rename_keys processor

- rename_keys:
- from_key: “level1/level2”
to_key: “level2”

is transforming
“level1”: {
“level2”: “value”
“level2”: “value”


the way to access nested object is by using ‘/’ delimiter rather than ‘.’. pretty neat and simple, but sadly not documented :frowning:

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