There are any plans for integration Reports Plugin with Notifications Plugin?
I found:
opened 06:01PM - 08 Jun 21 UTC
feature request
send a report as part of a user notification
Currently, integration with the Notifications plugin is enabled in the integration/notifications
branch on the dashboards-reports repo. This feature will be released in OpenSearch 2.0
opened 06:10PM - 19 Apr 22 UTC
closed 03:04AM - 10 Feb 23 UTC
## Overview
Currently, Reporting does not have any quick out-of-box options t… o be able to download reports. Users have to download from OpenSearch Dashboards itself with the plugin installed. Reporting Anything provides users with a Reporting CLI to be able to download reports without requiring the use of Dashboards and the Dashboards plugin.
## Feature Suggestion
When users encounter issues using the Dashboards plugin, there is no work-around aside from a code change that can enable report downloads. Additionally, users with a specific use case for reporting will have a convenient option to download reports directly. Customers will be able to integrate this CLI component into their own workflows/environments to bypass any authentication or security issues.
User Quote - "The current manually generated csv and pdf reports are nice but it’d be great to be able to automate and send these via email or even just fetch via an API request."
## Requirements
* Provide a CLI option for downloading reports
* Enable users to set parameters
## Out of scope
* Support for scheduled reports
* Saved search reports
## Solution
### Solution overview
Reporting Anything's solution is to provide a mechanism for users to be able to download reports independent of the plugin. It will also provide extensibility in that users can create a report from anything by providing a URL, and are not limited to the report source options provided in the reporting plugin.
### Proposed Solution
The proposed solution is to provide a CLI option. Users will be able to work around authentication issues by integrating into their own workflows. For example, a user running Reporting Anything in an AWS Lambda instance will not have to deal with any security issues that they would running the Reporting plugin in OpenSearch Dashboards. From there, the user can also integrate with an email service to create an email report mechanism.
## Detailed Design
### User interface
The user interface will be on the command line, with the user being given several parameters, including:
* Saved object ID (for OpenSearch Dashboards reports)
* Report source type (Dashboard, visualization, saved search)
* Full URL of the report
* File format for download (PDF or PNG, default is PDF)
* Window width in pixels (default is 1680)
* Window height in pixels (default is 2560)
Sample commands:
reporting-anything --object-id 7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d --format pdf
reporting anything --url http://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/7adfa750-4c81-11e8-b3d7-01146121b73d?_g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!f,value:900000),time:(from:now-24h,to:now))&_a=(description:'Analyze%20mock%20flight%20data%20for%20OpenSearch-Air,%20Logstash%20Airways,%20OpenSearch%20Dashboards%20Airlines%20and%20BeatsWest',filters:!(),fullScreenMode:!f,options:(hidePanelTitles:!f,useMargins:!t),query:(language:kuery,query:''),timeRestore:!t,title:'%5BFlights%5D%20Global%20Flight%20Dashboard',viewMode:view) --format png
### Component design
The only component of the project is the command line interface, which contains all the functionality for reporting anything. The design of the CLI is in the above section.
Script created by @sumukhswamy works and I just added some additional code to send generated report as an attachment in mail + simple cronjob in Kubernetes
March 13, 2023, 7:02pm
Hi, reporting email functionality has been implemented in reporting-cli GitHub - opensearch-project/reporting-cli