Cron syntax for scheduled report always incorrect

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Firefox 29.0.2 (64-bit) on a Windows system (same result with Chrome, though: Version 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)).
OKD-Cluster deployment.
OS Dashboards v 2.13.0

Describe the issue:
When trying to configure a scheduled cron job for the generation of reports I keep getting a cron syntax error, even when I use the example provided, both in the form itself and from the documentation page. I just want to generate a report at the beginning of first month so my cron expression would be: 1 0 1 * * but it’s not working. I get the feeling there’s a bug.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

*I tried posting screen shots of a bunch of different combinations but the forum didn’t allow me, but basically any of the provided examples don’t work with the same error being shown.

Hi @AJ87,

I have run some tests (on v 2.15.0) and I was able to use your Cron expression:

1 0 1 * *


0 0 1 1-12 *

However, I was NOT able to use EST as a timezone it would fail.

Could you please try a different timezone?



Thank you so much for your quick reply. And yes! It does work in another time zone! :slight_smile:
What’s up with that? Discrimination? Haha. No but maybe a bug to look into. I think I can live with another time zone in the time being.

Thanks a lot!



haha, I would not yet reject either one :smiley:

However, I am about 99.9% sure its a buG, to find out feel free to cut a ticket in the GitHub:


OK I’ll do that :slight_smile: