Complete your Profile

Hello OpenSearch Community!

To improve your forum experience, and to let your community know who you are, we encourage you to complete your profile. Username, name, upload a profile pic, and add some details about yourself.

NOTE: Please ensure your profile information follows the code of conduct.

Click on the profile button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
Click on the Preferences menu icon
Click on Preferences ‘gear’ from the dropdown list


This section allows you to set (or change) your Username, and Name. It also allows you to upload a profile image.


Be sure to save changes after this area is updated.


Next, you can click on ‘Profile’ on the left side menu

In the About me section, you can tell other community members who you are, where you work, and a little about yourself. As you can see, adding emojis to tell your story can also be fun.

Other settings on this page include Timezone, Location, your website, and the ability to add a Profile Header (1110px).

Once complete, be sure to ‘Save Changes’ again and you’re all set!
