Comparing the store result of Elasticsearch and OpenSearch

We are planning to use Open Search and some Open Search ingestion. We need to compare the store result of those 2 versions : Elasticsearch (7.17.8) vs Opensearch (2.12.0)

Basically, we want to see the different when the result from Agents: FileBeat, Winlogbeat, MetricBeat ( when using those 2). So, I want to know that, are there any downsides of using OpenSearch instead of Elasticsearch for this particular use case.

  • I’ve found this one: Tools - OpenSearch Documentation . However, I didn’t find anything related to use case for this.
    Can someone please provide the link or resource where I can have a detailed comparison?

Thanks in advance

What exactly do you mean by “comparing the store result”? Do you mean the size of the data on-disk after ingestion?

In that case you could do a single-node install on the same server using the same (or comparable) settings for both instances and then compare the index size using the api for example.

Also it seems like you only want to ingest and store the log of those services and I don’t think there are any real downsides to choosing OpenSearch over Elasticsearch.
