Can't open Discover in Kibana

Hi experts,

Thank you in advance for any help.

I´ve created a role restricted to only one index pattern but when the user logs in and clicks on Discovery he is directed to the Index Pattern page.

The index and the index pattern already exist but he can see it neither in Discover nor in the Index Pattern page.

The user is able to access the index in Dev Tools.

Is there any permission missing the role to allow the user to access the index pattern in Discover?

The role is above:

“employee” : {
“reserved” : false,
“hidden” : false,
“cluster_permissions” : [
“index_permissions” : [
“index_patterns” : [
“dls” : “”,
“fls” : ,
“masked_fields” : ,
“allowed_actions” : [
“tenant_permissions” : ,
“static” : false

Have you confirmed the user is in the same tenant as the index pattern you created? If the user logs in and their default tenant is “foo” but you created the index pattern in the “Global” tenant, that would fit what you describe.

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Hi @samuel.lima did you get any further with your use case? Was tenant setting the issue?