Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Describe the issue:
I’m trying to setup a reputation detector under the “Threat Intelligence” menu. I click on configure scan, setup an alias (tried also an index), setup src and dest ip fields to correspond to what alienvault threat intel wants. The click next and try to create the detector but get this error
Failed to setup threat intel scan:
[class_cast_exception] class org.opensearch.commons.alerting.model.DocLevelMonitorInput cannot be cast to class org.opensearch.commons.alerting.model.remote.monitors.RemoteDocLevelMonitorInput (org.opensearch.commons.alerting.model.DocLevelMonitorInput and org.opensearch.commons.alerting.model.remote.monitors.RemoteDocLevelMonitorInput are in unnamed module of loader @64bba0eb)
Suricata pushing through fluent-bit data using the logstash format
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