Are spatial queries available?

How do I convert an Elasticsearch spatial query to Opendistro SQL? I know I can add the filter as an Elasticsearch DSL, but will there ever be support to do spatial queries using only SQL? Here’s what I’m looking for:

Example spatial query to search using a bounding box (Postgis):
select * from mypoints where geometry && ST_MakeEnvelope(-74.1, 40.01, -71.12, 40.73, 4326)

Instead of this:

POST _opendistro/_sql
  "query":"select * from mypoints",
  "filter": {
        "geo_bounding_box": {
          "geometry.coordinates": {
            "top_left": {
              "lat": 40.73,
              "lon": -74.1
            "bottom_right": {
              "lat": 40.01,
              "lon": -71.12

The function list in here is supported. Geographic Queries · NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql Wiki · GitHub