We are trying to add a item url to an TOP N TSVB visualizations ,we have a requirement to pass an attribute name dynamically like given below.
here in this above url want to pass dynamic value to the variable rabbitmq.queue.name additionally just like how we have used {{key}} in case of customer Identification
hey @lokeshv1989 - could you rephrase this? I’m not sure what’s going on here.
hi @searchymcsearchface thanks for the response.
We are trying to build a Kibana TSVB visualization (TOP N). Here from the resultant visualization that comes on the screen we want to hyperlink/navigate it to a “Discover” page based on certain filters. Kind of a drill down facility where once the users see the TSVB visualization with numbers they should have an option of navigating to the “Discover” page for detailed view of the data with relevant filters applied.
In our case for deriving the filter we need two fields one of which we are making use of {{key}} as we have chosen it as part of “Terms” so this one now becomes dynamic but there is another field we want to pass in the filter which also needs to be dynamic, so is their any option for us to dynamically reference the fields in the “Item URL” text box apart from the {{key}} field.
My screenshot is not getting attached in this reply.
Lokesh V
Humm. Can you do this with vega?
Thank you for the response. it helped us.