Where to see audit log in OpenSearch Dashboards

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

OpenSearch - 2.11.0
OpenSearch Dashboards - 2.11.0

Describe the issue:
I have enabled audit log through OpenSerach-Dashbaords after that I have executed few queries through Dev Tools . Please let me know where I can see audit logs in OpenSearch-Dashboards.


  1. In audit.yml file

• plugins.security.audit.config.disabled_rest_categories: NONE
• plugins.security.audit.config.disabled_transport_categories: NONE
• plugins.security.audit.config.enable_rest: true
• plugins.security.audit.config.enable_transport: true
• plugins.security.audit.config.log_request_body: true
• plugins.security.audit.config.ignore_users: NONE
• plugins.security.audit.config.resolve_bulk_requests: true

  1. In opensearch.yml file

• plugins.security.audit.type: internal_opensearch
• plugins.security.audit.config.index: “'auditlog-'YYYY.MM.dd”

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

@Ashish The audit logs should appear in the security-auditlog-<date> index.

I checked at security-auditlog-* . I did not get any logs,Please see the attached file

@Ashish I’ve just noticed that you’ve changed the index name for the audit logs.
According to your output from your other case, the below indices contain the audit logs.

yellow open auditlog-2023.10.20 fQhc4-jPQDytQtnS-1GHIw 1 1 1 0 12.7kb 12.7kb
yellow open auditlog-2023.11.02 5WZifgOfS1KBWeybUgat4g 1 1 13 0 97.4kb 97.4kb
yellow open auditlog-2023.11.03 dh3_2RF4S2er_RBolGUJsw 1 1 4004 0 1.8mb 1.8mb
yellow open auditlog-2023.10.27 zrjdJ9G1QqSD5a9ZqnxM_w 1 1 4 0 50.8kb 50.8kb
yellow open auditlog-2023.11.06 o2E_hK1HT8udnmcFZnaFaA 1 1 4026 0 2mb 2mb
yellow open auditlog-2023.10.26 FmIe2hVpSsWg-nBeylrIcg 1 1 16 0 120.6kb 120.6kb

ok, but how can I am able to see that logs, Please let me know the location

@Ashish You can create an index pattern in the OpenSearch Dashboards and use Discovery to see the raw data.
Also, you can use Dashboards and Visualisations to aggregate the data from audit* indices.

Yes , I am able to see audit log through Discovery but I am unable to see request body in audit logs for APIs which I have executed, even I have enabled the request body.

I have executed below API

PUT _ingest/pipeline/testing-audit
“description”: “This pipeline processes student data”,
“processors”: [
“set”: {
“description”: “Sets the graduation year to 2023”,
“field”: “grad_year”,
“value”: 2023
“set”: {
“description”: “Sets graduated to true”,
“field”: “graduated”,
“value”: true
“uppercase”: {
“field”: “name”

For above API got below Audit log

“_index”: “my-application_audit-2023.11.06”,
“_id”: “D4HfpIsBrdWEGs1p0Fy6”,
“_version”: 1,
“_score”: null,
“_source”: {
“audit_cluster_name”: “my-application”,
“audit_rest_request_params”: {
“pretty”: “true”
“audit_node_name”: “node-1”,
“audit_request_initiating_user”: “admin”,
“audit_rest_request_method”: “PUT”,
“audit_category”: “AUTHENTICATED”,
“audit_request_origin”: “REST”,
“audit_node_id”: “q104YQZ0Rp26UlUHvLwcmA”,
“audit_request_layer”: “REST”,
“audit_rest_request_path”: “/_ingest/pipeline/testing-audit”,
@timestamp”: “2023-11-06T13:43:33.305+00:00”,
“audit_request_effective_user_is_admin”: false,
“audit_format_version”: 4,
“audit_request_remote_address”: “”,
“audit_node_host_address”: “”,
“audit_rest_request_headers”: {
“content-length”: [
“x-forwarded-proto”: [
“Connection”: [
“x-forwarded-port”: [
“x-opaque-id”: [
“Host”: [
“securitytenant”: [
“x-forwarded-for”: [
“authorization”: [
“Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=”
“x-forwarded-host”: [
“x-opensearch-product-origin”: [
“content-type”: [
“user-agent”: [
“opensearch-js/2.3.1 (linux 5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64-x64; Node.js v18.16.0)”
“audit_request_effective_user”: “admin”,
“audit_node_host_name”: “”
“fields”: {
@timestamp”: [
“highlight”: {
“audit_rest_request_path”: [
“sort”: [

@Ashish I don’t see that either. Did that ever work for you?