What setting lets the cluster be discovered on the network?

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OpenSearch 2.11.1
Windows 11

Describe the issue:
New to this. When i manually extract the Open search archive and setup the yml as below, it works fine locally but not discovered over the network.
But when i run it with the shipped “opensearch-windows-install” batch file, it is visible over network. What setting controls this?

cluster.name: Cluster1
discovery.type: single-node
plugins.security.disabled: true
node.name: Node1
path.data: C:\opensearch-2.11.1\data
path.logs: C:\opensearch-2.11.1\logs
http.port: 9200
transport.port: 9300

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Hey @itsnotai

Im going to take a guess , it might be this setting.

discovery.type: single-node

No luck. It seems all that discover.type does is tell that we have a single node cluster.

@itsnotai It worked for me. The service is available at HTTP://<node_IP>:9200
Did you check the Windows firewall?

According to OpenSearch documentation, Windows 11 is not supported OS.