Use dev tools get "internal server error" 500 error

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
opensearch 2.11.1
opensearch dashboard 2.11.0

Describe the issue:
when we use dev tools to exec some api and get “internal server error” with error code 500, but when we try to use some admin user to curl opensearch api in terminal, it make sense.

it looks like that internal user and role of dashboard dev tools have changed, but can I get some help to dive into?

This is a recent issue. Previously, the dev tools were functioning normally

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
use api

dev tool

I noticed that your OpenSearch and OSD are of different versions (OS 2.11 vs. OSD 2.13 repsectively). Does the error resolve if you run the same version for each?

Sry, I checked our config again, and version is
OSD 2.11.0
OS 2.11.1
So maybe it will not be the problem?

I found some related issue and it looks like it is the frontend problem, However, since this is a production environment, I cannot modify the frontend code.

Is there any other way to fix this issue?