Unable to turn off telemetry during installation in kubernetes cluster

Apologies - I imagine this would be more appropriate in the “Dashboards” category, but I’m unable to create a new topic in that category.

I am attempting to create a dashboard deployment/pod in a kubernetes with telemetry disabled (version 1.2.0). While telemetry is documented as disabled by default in the server, we are seeing significant network traffic originating with the OpenSearch dashboard pod(s). Attempts to leverage env vars such as “TELEMETRY_OPTIN” or "TELEMETRY_ENABLED’ are yielding start up errors:

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2022-06-30T16:08:01Z","tags":["info","plugins-service"],"pid":7,"message":"Plugin \"visTypeXy\" is disabled."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2022-06-30T16:08:02Z","tags":["fatal","root"],"pid":7,"message":"{ Error: Unknown configuration key(s): \"telemetry.enabled\". Check for spelling errors and ensure that expected plugins are installed.\n    at ensureValidConfiguration (/usr/share/opensearch-dashboards/src/core/server/legacy/config/ensure_valid_configuration.js:55:11) code: 'InvalidConfig', processExitCode: 64, cause: undefined }"}

 FATAL  Error: Unknown configuration key(s): "telemetry.enabled". Check for spelling errors and ensure that expected plugins are installed.

Is there a configuration mechanism available to disable this feature?