Unable to set hostalias in opensearchcluster

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Environment: kubernetes
opensearch operator - 2.7.0
opensearch & dashboard version - 2.17.0

Describe the issue:
Am trying to set the hostalias in opensearch nodes. But, unable to set hostalias in kind: opensearchcluster.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

@rmssath Why would need to set hostnames in the pods? Are your referring to pod name or OS level pod hostname?

Hi @pablo,

To configure the snapshot repository with s3, we have deployed minio in our environment which is accessible only through host entry.

so we need to add hostalias in the opensearch CR

@rmssath I’ve tested minio with helm charts and OpenSearch Operator.
In both cases I didn’t need any extra host entries to resolve my minio hostname as were resolved by my external DNS server.

@rmssath Could you share your OpenSearch s3 configuration?