Stuck on "Submitting request to initiate the pipeline processing" message

So right now i am trying to follow this tutorial, and the changes that I’ve made are that I changed the localhost opensearch to my organizations opensearch portal. I’m not sure where to go from here, but here’s the full message:

2023-07-18T18:17:28,940 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.source.loghttp.HTTPSource - Started http source on port 2021…
2023-07-18T18:17:28,940 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO org.opensearch.dataprepper.pipeline.Pipeline - Pipeline [log-pipeline] - Submitting request to initiate the pipeline processing

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Hey @ree

Can i ask what tutorial are you using? I assume this is Data-Prepper?

Sorry i forgot the attach the link:

data-prepper/examples/log-ingestion/ at main · opensearch-project/data-prepper · GitHub

Heres the tutorial i gave before. As i mentioned all the files are the same however I changed the links to line up with my organizations.

Hey @ree

I assume this is a Docker installation?

I am stuck at the same spot.
In the example the last line should be “Data Prepper server running at :4900”, but the extra lines appear and then it hangs.

2023-07-27T12:09:59,677 [main] INFO  org.opensearch.dataprepper.pipeline.server.DataPrepperServer - Data Prepper server running at :4900
2023-07-27T12:10:00,632 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO  org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.sink.opensearch.OpenSearchSink - Initialized OpenSearch sink
2023-07-27T12:10:00,634 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO  org.opensearch.dataprepper.pipeline.Pipeline - Pipeline [log-pipeline] Sink is ready, starting source...
2023-07-27T12:10:01,199 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] WARN  org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.source.loghttp.HTTPSource - Creating http source without SSL/TLS. This is not secure.
2023-07-27T12:10:01,206 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] WARN  org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.source.loghttp.HTTPSource - In order to set up TLS for the http source, go here:
2023-07-27T12:10:01,902 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO  org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.source.loghttp.HTTPSource - Started http source on port 2021...
2023-07-27T12:10:01,902 [log-pipeline-sink-worker-2-thread-1] INFO  org.opensearch.dataprepper.pipeline.Pipeline - Pipeline [log-pipeline] - Submitting request to initiate the pipeline processing

I found another post about this, and it isn’t a problem, and there by not why I have no flow.

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