Snapshot Issue Connection pool shut down

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Open search helm vesion= 2.20.0
Dashboard version= 2.18.0
Opensearch version= 2.14.0

Describe the issue:
I just created the snapshot policy and the ISM policy on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, I observed an error while taking the snapshot. “IllegalStateException[Connection pool shut down]” Not sure what the issue was. earlier it was working fine. I just deleted all ISM policies, and snapshot policies and re-created the posts I had an issue with.

The snapshot status was partial. And will be any conflict with the ISM policy and snapshot policy because of this any issue will be there?

Solution What I did:
Once I re-provisioned new master and data pods snapshot was working properly, what was the logic behind this.


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:
“snapshot”: {
“snapshot”: “test_snapshot”,
“uuid”: “0KqbwJT5Tgmf7AmrhMBChA”,
“version_id”: 136367827,
“version”: “2.15.0”,
“remote_store_index_shallow_copy”: false,
“indices”: [
“data_streams”: ,
“include_global_state”: true,
“state”: “PARTIAL”,
“start_time”: “2024-07-15T11:08:55.811Z”,
“start_time_in_millis”: 1721041735811,
“end_time”: “2024-07-15T11:08:58.013Z”,
“end_time_in_millis”: 1721041738013,
“duration_in_millis”: 2202,
“failures”: [
“index”: “testing-qa-example-2024.07.09”,
“index_uuid”: “testing-qa-example-2024.07.09”,
“shard_id”: 0,
“reason”: “IllegalStateException[Connection pool shut down]”,
“node_id”: “TiaDVo7DRbOGc52NzA7OXw”,

@learnawsnaresh Did you check the OpenSearch logs between the start_time and end_time?
Any errors?
Did it happen for all snapshots or just for a single one?