So I follow the documents: Cross-cluster replication - OpenSearch documentation
And I’m able to set up Cross-Cluster Replication ( CCR ) as the document said xD
But there is something still missing from the document:
- How I can promote replica clusters to main/major cluster ( I assume the whole main cluster die and I want to promote replica cluster for availability )
as document said:
OpenSearch stops replicating *new* indexes that match the pattern, but existing indexes that the rule previously created remain read-only and continue to replicate. If you need to stop existing replication activity and open the indexes up for writes
How I can do the part stop existing replication activity more easy way, example
I have 10 indexes
I tried
POST _plugins/_replication/leader-*/_stop
POST _plugins/_replication/*/_stop
The error appears:
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "No replication in progress for index:*"
I have to run 10 times and manually
POST _plugins/_replication/leader-number-demo/_stop
Also, I have to stop replicating by ( for able to delete replicated index in the follower )
PUT _cluster/settings
"persistent": {
"cluster": {
"remote": {
"my-connection-alias": {
"seeds": []
DELETE /_plugins/_replication/_autofollow?pretty
"leader_alias" : "my-conection-alias",
"name": "rule-name"
POST _plugins/_replication/leader-number-01/_stop
Thanks for reading