Setting multiple daily executions for a monitor

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser): Opensearch 2.8

Describe the issue:
I have been trying to migrate an Elastic Watcher which has to run multiple times in a day, e.g.:

  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "daily": {
        "at": [

Unfortunately, I cannot find a respective way of reflecting this behavior on OS.
Is it possible to do it through the API ?
Otherwise, what would be the best work around ?


I think cron expression can be used to do it, but because the minutes of the three time points are not the same, so you need two cron expressions like this:

0 12,17 * * *
52 07 * * *

, and it seems that the parameter cron in creating monitor API does not support multiple cron expressions, so you can create two monitors.

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