I’m new to opensearch and don’t know if this is the right category but let’s see:
I want to perform searches to a relative complex set of data,i think its a really common usecase, but i’m not sure how to setup my indexes and perform the search.
In my database i have a table with items and all informations.
in a second table i have all that items mapped to users that own items in their library. Items can be owned multiple times and have some additional information for each user.
In a third table i have the price history for the items.
Now i want to perform a search for a user over his items, but he needs to able to use all information thats stored in the item table to perform the search and get the current price of his library.
I also need to group that data and get the total prices for a libray of a user.
I’m not sure whats the best way to index and search that data. If i join all data in one index it will get really huge and if there is a change to an item i need to update all users items.
Here are some sizes for the different tables:
Items: 600000
Items for each user: 1000-200000
Prices: 1 for each Item per Day
Thanks for your answers in advance