Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
OPenSearch v 2.13.0/Dashboard/Ubuntu/Edge
Describe the issue:
I’m trying to search pattern “
” in the message field in all events in documents in my index. I want exact match for “
”. I don’t want “
” or “
” etc. Only exact “
”. I tried many search queries and I found that the match for / character is not working.
Here are the queries that I tried,
Query 1
Query 2
message:"\"requestUrl\":\"\"" AND NOT message:"\"requestUrl\":\"*\""
Query 3
Query 1
I tried a few more combinations but the gist of the matter is / slash is not matching and I’m not able to filter out events/documents with my exact need.
ANy help would be helpful. I went through the documentation but it wasn’t helpful.
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