SAML integration error, type=samlConfigError


I configured SAML in the security module. After, I logged in with IdP service.
It returned to Kibana correctly but Kibana will display customerror?type=samlConfigError at the end of URL.

I tried to configure Elasticsearch to print the logs from SAML but it does not work. =
logger.saml.level = trace
logger.saml.appenderRef.rolling.ref = rolling
logger.saml.additivity = false

Thank you

@worapojc Did you get this resolved? If not, I may have a working solution for you.

@anair I am interested in any advice you can offer. I am also having trouble with SAML config. Thanks.

Hi @worapojc If you are still facing this issue,
can you share your kibana.yml, elasticsearch.yml and securityconfig/config.yml file?

Hi @worapojc

Do you still have this issue? Could you share config.yml and kibana.yml. files with IDP SAML configuration?