SAML Integration 404 not found

I’m having a 404 Not found HTTP response while accessing acs URL.


could someone explain what exactly this aces URL is and why it is 404 Not found?


Hi @vikasgurlinka

ACS is Assertion Consumer Service and it is an endpoint on the service provider (Kibana) where the identity provider (i.e. Keycloak, Azure, Okta) will redirect to with its authentication response.

Maybe your Kibana URL is incorrectly configured in IDP or you don’t have HTTPS enabled in Kibana.
Could you share your SAML configuration from the security plugin and IDP side?
What version of ODFE do you use?

@pablo Thanks for your response.
could you please let me know what is the acs url for azure openid.


https://<kibana_base_url>:<kibana_port>/_opendistro/_security/saml/acs is a correct URL for SAML.
It will be the same for any SAML provider as it must point to the same target.

Did you get this solved?