Rollup action in ISM

Reading the documentation for index rollups is see that:

You can use index rollup in three ways:

3. Specify the index rollup job as an ISM action for complete index management. This allows you to roll up an index after a certain event such as a rollover, index age reaching a certain point, index becoming read-only, and so on. You can also have rollover and index rollup jobs running in sequence, where the rollover first moves the current index to a warm node and then the index rollup job creates a new index with the minimized data on the hot node.

However when looking at the actions available for ISM, I see no mention of rollups at all.

Am I misunderstanding the documentation? Is it possible to perform rollups during an ISM state transition? If so, how do you specify the job as an action?


Hi Mark,

It looks like documentation is not updated, will attempt to update soon.

The feature is released and available since 1.13.0 I believe. Here is a sample ISM policy to create the rollup.
PS: At the moment only single run rollup jobs can be created through this path, the source index for the rollup job is inferred from the index the policy is attached to.

    "policy": {
        "description": "Sample rollup" ,
        "default_state": "rollup",
        "states": [
                "name": "rollup",
                "actions": [
                        "rollup": {
                            "ism_rollup": {
                                "description": "Creating rollup through ISM",
                                "target_index": "target",
                                "page_size": 1000,
                                "dimensions": [
                                        "date_histogram": {
                                            "fixed_interval": "60m",
                                            "source_field": "order_date",
                                            "target_field": "order_date",
                                            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
                                        "terms": {
                                            "source_field": "customer_gender",
                                            "target_field": "customer_gender"
                                        "terms": {
                                            "source_field": "day_of_week",
                                            "target_field": "day_of_week"
                                "metrics": [
                                        "source_field": "taxless_total_price",
                                        "metrics": [
                                                "sum": {}
                                        "source_field": "total_quantity",
                                        "metrics": [
                                                "avg": {}
                                                "max": {}
                "transitions": []

Thank you! That’s very helpful and got me pointed in the right direction.

One note for posterity – you are missing a closing quote here:

Is there a github issue tracking when the docs will be updated with this example?