Role template - LDAP results

I currently have authc=SAML and authz=LDAP. The LDAP filter example is the following.

Search Base: ou=groups,dc=com
Search Filter: (member=cn=sthomps,ou=users,dc=com)

LDAP Results

When a user logs in, they should only be able to view indexes: 1 & 2 - not 3.

I can accomplish this using the following setup explained here. Does opendistro support this use case?

Hello @sthomps

Have you tried to resolve this issue with the newest version of ODFE? What is your current version?

Hi @pablo,

Yes I was able to resolve my usecase.

I populated the role and role mappings for the indexes on initial setup. User logs in, LDAP results are returned and they only see the indexes based on those mappings.
