Reporting not Working in Firefox browser

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
Reporting plugin not working in Firefox browser

using the opensearch playground provided

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

+1, Facing the same issue in Firefox. Other browsers it works fine. Any solutions ?
We are using 2.11. Issue is reproducible using the playground.

Facing the same issue. This is in Firefox only. Can you please let us know about the solution? any update on this?

@joshuarrrr @Vijay Could you please let us know any update on this issue

@tejashu @shamzeer @Sinchana I’ve got the same error. I’ve narrowed down this issue to a Search object. When the Dashboard with Search had too many columns the download PNG kept failing in Firefox and it was successful in Chrome.

I’ve used demo data to find this issue. Maybe try removing a single visualisation from your Dashboard and keep checking if the download works or not. This is how I found the issue in mine.

@pablo Thanks for the information.
Is it not a bug that the same dashboard can be downloaded in chrome but not in firefox?

@tejashu It is in my opinion. Would you mind reporting it in the OpenSearch Dashboards GitHub and sharing the link here?

Hello Pablo,

I have created the following bug:


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Hi Pablo, Is there a fix targeted for this issue? We are close to make our changes go live, with this issue in fire-fox it would not be a convincing introduction of a feature in our product. Workaround suggested is loss of required data in the report. Please comment.

Hi @shamzeer, I’m not a developer. At this point, you should follow the reported bug as this is the best way to communicate with developers.