Otel Metrics is Empty but Index has documents

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
I’m running an Otel collector that’s scraping hostmetrics, which I’m feeding to Data Prepper running in Docker and finally into an OpenSearch standalone instance, with OpenSearch Dashboards

I am able to see the metrics being emitted in stdout, and when I check under indexes, I see the relevant index is getting populated. But when I go to Metrics and select Open Telemetry as Metrics source, the Otel Index drop down is empty. Am I missing something?

workers: 1
ssl: false
- otel_metrics:
- stdout:
- opensearch:
hosts: [“https://observability.home.arpa:9200”]
insecure: true
username: admin
password: *******
index_type: custom
index: otel-metrics

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

{“unit”:“{thread}”,“exemplars”:,“kind”:“GAUGE”,“name”:“system.cpu.load_average.5m”,“flags”:0,“description”:“Average CPU Load over 5 minutes.”,“startTime”:“2024-05-31T16:17:28Z”,“time”:“2024-07-02T02:03:34.483894408Z”,“serviceName”:“home-server”,“value”:0.18,“schemaUrl”:“https://opentelemetry.io/schemas/1.9.0",“instrumentationScope.name”:“otelcol/hostmetricsreceiver/load”,“resource.attributes.host@name”:“rob-laptop”,“resource.attributes.os@type”:“linux”,“resource.attributes.host@id”:“0f15d86e718342a5961a131b9cc63553”,“resource.attributes.service@name”:“home-server”,“instrumentationScope.version”:"0.101.0”}

It happen to me as well. Do we know how to solve it?