OpenSearch RestHigh Level Client Version

< dependency >
< groupId>org.elasticsearch.client< /groupId>
< artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client< /artifactId>
< version>7.14.0< /version>
< /dependency>

Hi OpenSearchTeam,

I have doubt regarding the version mismatch issue between client and server. currently i am using rest high level client with version 7.9.2 and server deployed with openDistro elastic search version 7.10.2. So the connection between them is working fine, But In security found some vulnerabilities in 7.9.2 version So what we are chasing we need to update the rest high level client with version 7.14.0 with server deployed with OpenSearch. So what version of OpenSearch is being used by this client version.

Please help us get this solution as soon as possible.