is the pipeline we are using now. For log collectors it’s a mix of filebeat(not my preferred option, licensing)/fluent-bit. For ingress it’s a mix of fluent-bit and logstash-oss (not my preferred option, licensing). Our central opensearch cluster is just one of the possible destinations, that’s why kafka can be useful.
whether you want Kafka or not in your pipeline is a separate discussion to whether you can use OpenSearch or not. For the latter, I’d say yes. For Kafka, I’d use it if I’d need a central buffer (e.g. if I don’t have an agent that can buffer a lot, like Filebeat, unlike rsyslog). Kafka also helps if you need replay capabilities (e.g. as a short-term backup)
fluent-bit can work on its own (i.e. outside containers)
If you need something for logs and don’t want to worry about the pipeline, check out our logging SaaS. We expose an OpenSearch API, so things like Filebeat OSS and FluentBit can send natively. Any syslog is also natively supported. And we take care of Kafka, you can also define pipelines (e.g. grok, anonymize) on the server side, we take care of shards, scaling, all that. And we expose APIs for search, too (besides the UI), so if you need custom scripts you can go ahead
Just thought it might be useful, sorry for the plug. If you need any help with OpenSearch&friends, let me know.