Hi Everyone,
I am weorking with opensearch 1.0.0
I can able to create and download the reports with admin access.
But i have created one internal user and i have mapped the user only in reports_full_access, reports_read_access, readall
My expectation is the newly created user able to see the reports in reports section.
But i got the below error, wehn i am trying to access Opensearch reports
[INFO ][o.o.s.p.PrivilegesEvaluator] [node-1] No cluster-level perm match for User [name=pstes, backend_roles=[, readall], requestedTenant=user] Resolved [aliases=[], allIndices=[], types=[], originalRequested=[], remoteIndices=] [Action [cluster:admin/opensearch/reports/instance/list]] [RolesChecked [reports_full_access, own_index, reports_read_access, readall, reports_read_access_copy]]. No permissions for [cluster:admin/opensearch/reports/instance/list]
IT is expecting opensearch reports permission. But in security plugin, it has cluster permission related to opendistro.
- cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/create
- cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/delete
- cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/get
- cluster:admin/opendistro/reports/definition/list
It is not allowing to add permission(cluster:admin/opensearch/reports/instance/list) related to opensearch in existing role(reporst_read_access).