Opensearch-Dashboards fails to connect to opensearch with client certificate authentication

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
I’m trying to set my backend authentication type to certificate,
and I get response error on the opensearch-dashboards log
and cant see dashboard




all the rest of security ymls are as default.

Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Hi @nap608 ,

Could you please share config.yml ?

Do you want to authenticate OpenSearch Dashboard client using client certificate authentication?

@nap608 , what is the status of your OpenSearch cluster?

I want to know it’s sure that the configuration for cluster has already done.
Run curl localhost:9200/_cat/health?v and check it.

I made it work somehow, I’ve created a new role and assign it to both the kibana user and the certificate user, and gave it permissions I’ve found missing on the logs.

I wanted to make a read only role, but I had issues when doing that, could you please check if that okay and advise how to make it read only and to display dashboard and make it work?

the config.yml is default values expect for this change:

the roles.yml is default values expect for this change:

‘my_cert_role’ is the new role i’ve created and assign to kibana and cert user.

I would like to remove the admin permissions but it currently complains on logs and dashboard is gone when I do that.



Hi @nap608 ,

Sorry for my late reply. Please have a look at the following documentation:

Yeah… if those documentations were helpful for me I wouldn’t have to post here :frowning:

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Did you manage to log in to OpenSearch Dashboards? Do you have only the client certificate authentication in your config.yml file?