OpenSearch Dashboards Developer Office Hours - 2023-05-18


Event page
Meetup page

Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 836 7647 0962
Passcode: 377355


  • Slot 1: Open
  • Slot 2: Open
  • Slot 3: Open
  • Slot 4: Open

Maintainer topic: State Management with @AbbyHu

Sign up for an open slot by replying in this thread with the following template, and we’ll update the agenda accordingly:

  • Topic: [a brief description of what you’d like to discuss]
  • Requested by: [provide GitHub aliases of attendees]
  • GitHub issue or PR links: [before signing up, make sure to create an issue, whether in the OpenSearch Dashboards repository or your own plugin repository]
  • Time required [choose 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes]
  • Requested maintainer: [optional; provide GitHub alias of any particular maintainer) you’d like to attend]

If you’ve previously signed up, but can no longer attend, just let us know in the thread.


The meeting is divided into four 15-minute slots for community developers to chat with OpenSearch Dashboards project maintainers. Priority will be given to topics that are signed-up in advance, but ad-hoc discussions are welcome in any remaining time. If there are no sign-ups, maintainers will present a brief knowledge-sharing session or demo and the meeting may end early. For more information and FAQs, see the OpenSearch Dashboards communication guide.

After the meeting, we will post the chat log here. We welcome you to keep the conversation going here on the forum, in GitHub, or on Slack.

By joining the OpenSearch Dashboards Developer Office Hours Meeting, you grant OpenSearch, and our affiliates the right to record, film, photograph, and capture your voice and image during the OpenSearch Community Meeting (the “Recordings”). You grant to us an irrevocable, nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, and translate, for any purpose, all or any part of the Recordings and Your Materials. For example, we may distribute Recordings or snippets of Recordings via our social media outlets.

Thanks everyone who joined today!

Here are the links to the new state management and data persistence docs @AbbyHu created:

We also discussed the desire for more flexible time range selection - for more on that UX challenge, check out Dashboards: lock visualization to a specific date range · Issue #1242 · opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards · GitHub

1 Like

Sounds like it was an informative meeting @joshuarrrr @AbbyHu!