Would you like to present? Tag @kris@dtaivpp@nateynate and we’ll work to get you added to the agenda!
Feel free to comment on this agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question.
After the meeting, we will post the chat log and any meeting notes. We welcome you to keep the conversation going here on the forum.
======== By joining the OpenSearch Community Meeting, you grant OpenSearch, and our affiliates the right to record, film, photograph, and capture your voice and image during the OpenSearch Community Meeting (the “Recordings”). You grant to us an irrevocable, nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, and translate, for any purpose, all or any part of the Recordings and Your Materials. For example, we may distribute Recordings or snippets of Recordings via our social media outlets.
thank you everyone who joined and brought such great questions to the meeting today!
Chat log:
07:59:17 From Kris Freedain to Waiting Room Participants:
Hello Everyone, we’ll get going in just a few minutes
08:01:23 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
Morning, good afternoon and good evening!
08:01:52 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
It really is!!
08:02:07 From Lukáš Vlček (@Aiven.io) to Everyone:
08:04:38 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
08:04:42 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
08:04:48 From AWS - Francisco Gonzalez - franglez@ to Everyone:
08:04:50 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
very punny
08:06:05 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Here is the next one!
08:06:06 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Development Backlog & Triage Meeting - Security - 2022-10-31 · OpenSearch
08:06:20 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
08:06:55 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Development Backlog & Triage Meeting - Security - 2022-1031, Mon, Oct 31, 2022, 12:00 PM | Meetup
08:08:03 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
08:09:00 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
non-coder here - attended the Development Backlog & Triage Meeting - Security yesterday and want to say again its REALLY appreciated such things are open to the community
08:09:12 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
thanks Ryan!
08:09:26 From Nate B. to Everyone:
08:10:01 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
(caveat to the Data Prepper 2.0.1 - we’re troubleshooting something on the website so we expect it to be out this morning)
08:10:51 From Ralph to Everyone:
it’s great to have these meetings out in the open and i’ll try to join them (at least occassionally) in the future! are similar backlog & triage meetings planned for other areas (namely i’d be interested in that for the core OpenSearch)?
08:13:14 From Nate B. to Everyone:
What’s with the forwardslash before loglevel?
08:13:21 From Nate B. to Everyone:
Ahhh… data prepper syntax.
08:13:32 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
thanks Ralph. We’re talking with the teams on this to work on continuing to open up their meetings in the future. I don’t have timelines yet on when; the Security group is testing the waters to see overall interest and gauge how it goes. So far - seems really positive.
08:14:22 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
is there anything out there by way of performance numbers of data prepper vs. something like logstash?
08:15:04 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
are their any plans for optimized inputs to minimize performance impact of marshalling/unmarshalling ?
08:19:22 From Mehul Shah to Everyone:
08:19:35 From Mehul Shah to Everyone:
Is Data Prepped part of the service now?
08:20:09 From Nate B. to Everyone:
Not part of the service, but it’s technically part of the OpenSEarch Project. You can download it on our GitHub repo.
08:20:29 From Nate B. to Everyone:
I love this new layout - way easier to instantiate the thing.
08:22:37 From Nate B. to Everyone:
Does the CSV have to have a row for field names?
08:25:00 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
Thank you David!!
08:25:09 From Dave Lago to Everyone:
Thanks David!
08:25:14 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
Thank you for the summary David !
08:25:27 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
Data Prepper is now available on our downloads page! Opensearch 2.3.0 · OpenSearch
08:26:16 From Mehul Shah to Everyone:
How much ETL functionality do you plan to push into Data Prepare?
08:26:28 From Mehul Shah to Everyone:
This is great stuff.
08:30:17 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
i am getting senile - I am the one who asked about supporting messagepack. Feature request - Support MessagePack · Issue #852 · opensearch-project/data-prepper · GitHub
08:37:16 From David Venable to Everyone:
Thanks for contributing that request Ryan!
08:38:26 From Ralph to Everyone:
if we have a minute or so to spare then i’d like to throw this topic into the Q&A part: Managing Index Setups & Configuration in Microservices Environment
08:41:10 From Nate B. to Everyone:
Thanks for coming!
08:41:25 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
glad you’re here Ralph.
08:42:50 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
Hi , its my first time here too I am curious to know if Opensearch wants to follow the hybrid search race too? (I am sorry if it was already discussed or already out there)
08:43:23 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
** hybrid - bm25 + vector
08:44:41 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
If anyone is using Document-level monitors / alerting at scale - would love to hear if you have commentary on these entries regarding performance optimization:
08:50:52 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
Nate, do you remember who gave the talk?
08:51:51 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
Atita, we can follow up with you whenever we upload the videos. You can also follow us on social for updates. @OpenSearchProj
08:53:01 From Nate B. to Everyone: Performance guidance for Document-level monitors / alerting
08:53:44 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
Thank you Hannah !
08:54:05 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
08:59:32 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
Do we have a slack workspace for the project ?
09:00:32 From Kris Freedain to Everyone: Are you asking the right people the right questions? · OpenSearch
09:02:16 From Nate B. to Everyone: nateboot@amazon.com
09:02:26 From Nate B. to Everyone:
nateynateynate at GitHub.
09:04:18 From Kris Freedain to Everyone:
thanks everyone!
09:04:19 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
Have a great week!
09:04:21 From Dominik to Everyone:
thanks a lot everyone!
09:04:27 From Alejandro Guida to Everyone:
thanks everyone
09:04:37 From Lukáš Vlček (@Aiven.io) to Everyone:
See you soon. Thanks!
09:04:38 From Ryan Paras to Everyone:
thank yoU!
09:04:39 From Andriy Redko to Everyone:
Thanks guys!
09:04:39 From Atita Arora to Everyone:
Thank you !
09:04:40 From Ralph to Everyone:
thanks a lot, have a nice day/evening!
09:04:42 From Hannah uselman to Everyone:
09:04:56 From Terry Q to Everyone: