Opensearch backed storage s3 translog failing to keep with the indexing speed

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:
I have a spark job that indexes about 10Tb of data(2bb docs) into Opensearch and it fails with next error:

OpenSearchHadoopRemoteException: i_o_exception: Failed to upload metadata__9223372036854775806__9223372036854775425__9223370314459207742__-1452333006__1; i_o_exception: Unable to upload object [translog/....] using a single upload; s3_exception: s3_exception: Please reduce your request rate. (Service: S3, Status Code: 503, Request ID: XXXXXXXXXXX)

I’ve noticed that it uploads a lot of small(50-200kb) translog files and was wondering what settings i need to tune to overcome this error.
I’ve tried to increase the translog buffer interval, but it didn’t help much.


"cluster.routing.allocation.balance.prefer_primary": true,
"segrep.pressure.enabled": true,
"cluster.remote_store.translog.buffer_interval": "10s",

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