Open Distro Elasticsearch is not working with Kibana


I am getting errors in OpenDistro Elasticsearch in pod log.

All pods are running and Kibana pod is running, but still cant get to Kibana UI or find fix for the OD Elasticsearch error for es-master-0 pod.

Here is information on the issue:

Here are the pod listings:
$ kubectl get pods -n monitoring-tools
es-client-86c6895b85-jfh75 1/1 Running 0 171m
es-client-86c6895b85-s4vdd 1/1 Running 0 171m
es-data-0 1/1 Running 0 170m
es-data-1 1/1 Running 0 169m
es-data-2 1/1 Running 0 168m
es-master-0 1/1 Running 0 172m
es-master-1 1/1 Running 0 172m
es-master-2 1/1 Running 0 172m
kibana-75f647cf75-g45sl 1/1 Running 0 166m

Here are the services listing:
$ kubectl get svc -n monitoring-tools
elasticsearch LoadBalancer 443:30054/TCP,9300:31492/TCP,9600:31568/TCP 3h9m
elasticsearch-data ClusterIP None 9300/TCP,9200/TCP,9600/TCP 3h7m
elasticsearch-discovery ClusterIP None 9300/TCP 3h11m
elasticsearch-master ClusterIP None 9300/TCP,9200/TCP,9600/TCP 3h9m
kibana LoadBalancer 443:30754/TCP 177m

Here is the describe information on the elasticsearch “es-mastor-0” pod:

$ kubectl describe pod/es-master-0 -n monitoring-tools
Name: es-master-0
Namespace: monitoring-tools
Priority: 0
Node: ip-10-133-64-141.ec2.internal/
Start Time: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 09:50:20 -0700
Labels: component=elasticsearch
Annotations: arn:aws:iam::992376627226:role/eks-monitoring-tools-es-pod-role eks.privileged
Status: Running
Controlled By: StatefulSet/es-master
Init Containers:
Container ID: docker://710ae08237671be5b01eac439aeb0fd0c3bbf4739b18d866de63ea0f1af453cb
Image ID: docker-pullable://
Host Port:
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 09:50:22 -0700
Finished: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 09:50:22 -0700
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-6x2fv (ro)
Container ID: docker://82183f558cc2769c387025818891a47375f743ce4926f04bd8c253e4dd108230
Image ID: docker-pullable://
Ports: 9300/TCP, 9200/TCP, 9600/TCP
Host Ports: 0/TCP, 0/TCP, 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 09:50:23 -0700
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
cpu: 1
cpu: 1
Liveness: tcp-socket :transport delay=60s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
cluster.initial_master_nodes: es-master-0,es-master-1,es-master-2
NODE_DATA: false
NODE_NAME: es-master-0 (
DISCOVERY_SERVICE: elasticsearch-discovery
KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: monitoring-tools (v1:metadata.namespace)
PROCESSORS: 1 (limits.cpu)
ES_JAVA_OPTS: -Xms1g -Xmx1g
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin-crt.pem from certs (ro,path=“admin-crt.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin-key.pem from certs (ro,path=“admin-key.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin-root-ca.pem from certs (ro,path=“admin-root-ca.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml from config (rw,path=“elasticsearch.yml”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elk-crt.pem from certs (ro,path=“elk-crt.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elk-key.pem from certs (ro,path=“elk-key.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elk-root-ca.pem from certs (ro,path=“elk-root-ca.pem”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/logging.yml from config (rw,path=“logging.yml”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/tfs-root-truststore.jks from certs (ro,path=“tfs-root-truststore.jks”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/config.yml from config (rw,path=“config.yml”)
/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/opendistro_security/securityconfig/internal_users.yml from config (rw,path=“internal_users.yml”)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-6x2fv (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: elasticsearch
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: elasticsearch-tls-data
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-6x2fv
Optional: false
QoS Class: Burstable
Tolerations: for 300s for 300s

Here is log errors for my Elasticsearch es-master-0 pod:

[2020-09-25T20:06:00,077][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-1][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See
at ~[?:?]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,143][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,296][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,485][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,512][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,622][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:00,773][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,047][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,075][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-2][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See
at ~[?:?]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,144][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,298][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,488][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,515][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,629][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:01,772][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,039][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,073][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-1][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,075][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-2][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found. This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,139][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,300][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,489][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,516][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,624][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:02,772][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,045][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,072][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-2][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,139][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,295][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,492][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,519][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,623][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:03,775][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:04,045][ERROR][c.a.o.s.t.OpenDistroSecurityRequestHandler] [es-master-0] ElasticsearchException[Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See]
[2020-09-25T20:06:04,075][WARN ][o.e.d.HandshakingTransportAddressConnector] [es-master-0] handshake failed for [connectToRemoteMasterNode[]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es-master-2][][internal:transport/handshake]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: Illegal parameter in http or transport request found.
This means that one node is trying to connect to another with
a non-node certificate (no OID or security.nodes_dn incorrect configured) or that someone
is spoofing requests. Check your TLS certificate setup as described here: See

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Can I get any assistance with this issue? Any help appreciated.




Did you follow the link to the Troubleshooting documentation mentioned in the ERROR message that is repeated many times in your log file?

This error message appears to indicate that your Elasticsearch cluster is not configured properly which may be why Kibana isn’t working.

In your elastic config file (elasticsearch.yml) there should be a couple of lines like this:

- "CN=myCommonName2,OU=myOrgUnitName,O=Default Company,L=Default City,C=XX"
- "CN=adminCommonName,OU=adminOrgUnit,O=Default Company,L=Default City,C=XX"

The 2nd line in each needs to match the OID contained within the TLS certs you are using.

You can use openssl to confirm/determine what OID is contained within your TLS certs (as shown below).

bash-4.2$ openssl x509 -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout -in adminTLS.pem
  subject= CN=adminCommonName,OU=adminOrgUnit,O=Default Company Ltd,L=Default City,C=XX

Everything after the “subject=” should match the value you’ve specified in the appropriate line in your elasticsearch.yml file. Double-check the value you have specified for opendistro_security.authcz.admin_dn with the value from your admin TLS cert. And do the same with the value you specified in opendistro_security.nodes_dn with the value within your transport cert. If those values all match and things still don’t work, review the other things in the Troubleshooting documentation to see if they will fix it.

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