Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Hello Team,
I used Helm charts to set up a multi-node open search cluster, and I entered all of my data into my open-search index. However, when I tried to search for specific characters or conditions using expressions, I was unable to find the data I was looking for in open-search.
In reality, I would like to search data using special characters, but when I do so, I receive nothing.
Please let me know under what circumstances I receive data and when I do not.
Ex: Consider name as below
Test Yes
Test_ No
Test - No
test-01 No
Testabc - yes
Test@ No
- Apart from that any special character is came then also will not get any data as well if will search with 01 then will get test-01, test-02.
- When I was search with Test 1 then will get test 01, test 02, test 03, test 1. but I want only test 1 which is exactly matched or test 11.
I am using
and ElasticSarchOperation [
] bulkindex api’s to get the data from open search .
Using criteria as below:
Criteria orCriteria = new Criteria(field).expression(““+globalSearch+””);
Index setting is :
Index mapping is :
@opensearch @opensearch_user100 and Team Can you Please check and resolve my problem.
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