No permissions for "settings number of replicas : 0"


When I am executing in Dev tool the following request,

PUT /*/_settings 
  "index": {
    "auto_expand_replicas": false

I get the following error.
I am logged in on admin account.

  "error" : {
    "root_cause" : [
        "type" : "security_exception",
        "reason" : "no permissions for [] and User [name=admin, backend_roles=[admin], requestedTenant=null]"
    "type" : "security_exception",
    "reason" : "no permissions for [] and User [name=admin, backend_roles=[admin], requestedTenant=null]"
  "status" : 403

But, If a specific index is set, it is applied normally.

PUT /winlogbeat*/_settings
  "index": {
    "auto_expand_replicas": false

We are using docker container,
And our kibana.yml, internal_user.yml and docker-compose.yml files setting like that




How can I set the number of replicas?
Any suggestions?

Hi @jp.lee As far as I know the only index that is causing this permission error is is the security index (.opendistro_security). The rest of the indices should work without issue. Admin user doesn’t have the permission either and to the best of my knowledge the only way to manipulate that index is to use admin certificate with curl, as follows:

curl -XPUT "https://localhost:9200/.opendistro_security/_settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  "index": {    "number_of_replicas":0,    "auto_expand_replicas": false  }}' -k --cert /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/kirk.pem --key /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/kirk-key.pem

change elasticsearch to opensearch on the certificate paths.

curl -XPUT "https://localhost:9200/_all/_settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  "index": { "number_of_replicas":0,    "auto_expand_replicas": false  }}' -k --cert /usr/share/opensearch/config/kirk.pem --key /usr/share/opensearch/config/kirk-key.pem