Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
I am using OpenSearch Client Library version - 1.3.0
Describe the issue:
I am trying to build one openSearch query in C# DotNet but could not able to achieve and need some help.
Requirement - We have 3 fields on the search screen. First field will be the wild card search and other 2 will be filter on top of WildCard Search results.
First field user can search like “1234%” - It should return some results and then apply the filter for other two field. I have tried this query but not working.
List queryContainerList = new List();
queryContainerList.Add(query.Wildcard(m => m.SourceTradeID, string.Format(“{0}*”, “1456”)));
var filters = new List<Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<Models.MOTPOpenSearchItem>, QueryContainer>>();
filters.Add(fq => fq.Terms(t => t.Field(f => f.PartitionKey).Terms(“TRADE#1c393d12-7861-5894-b6be-4cfd920f24ed”)));
return new QueryContainerDescriptor<Models.MOTPOpenSearchItem>().Bool(
b => b.Should(queryContainerList.ToArray).Filter(filters));
var response = await client.SearchAsync<Models.MOTPOpenSearchItem>(s => s
.Query( => qContainer)
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