Manage nested fields in Observability -> Logs -> Explorer

OpenSearch/Dashboards v 2.10.0

I’m getting started with OpenSearch data streams and while viewing the logs for the data stream in Observability Explorer, I’d like to use the property of the log message, but the nested object is being rendered as a string. I’m sure I have something misconfigured but have not found the magic Google query yet.

I have a mapping property set for it:

"host": {
          "properties": {
            "name": {
              "type": "text",
              "fields": {
                "keyword": {
                  "type": "keyword",
                  "ignore_above": 256

Here’s what the json data in Explorer looks like:


The available fields on the left side only show host and not I’d like to have a field option for instead of just host where all the values contain a stringified object. Is there a configuration change needed somewhere on the index template or mapping? TIA.

@sloan58 How do you ingest the data? Could you share a single document from the source?

@pablo thanks for the help. The docs get ingested via API (sent in from Cribl). I created an Index Template and Data Stream and have been using dynamic mapping so far while testing. The nested property is available under “Discover” but not in Observability. It’s like the data needs/wants to be flattened there. I’ve read some posts that allude to that, but haven’t been able to locate any docs that confirm it. Here’s a sample doc for this data stream.

    "_index": ".ds-logs-cribl-syslog-000001",
    "_id": "PoqC5Ps3r3rA1tWR",
    "_score": 1,
    "_source": {
        "message": "[WAN_LOCAL-default-D]IN=eth0....",
        "severity": 4,
        "facility": 0,
        "host": {
            "name": ""
        "appname": "kernel",
        "severityName": "warning",
        "facilityName": "kern",
        "_raw": "<4>Mar 26 18:12:23 kernel: [WAN_LOCAL-default-D]IN=eth0....",
        "cribl_pipe": "open_search",
        "@timestamp": "2024-03-26T18:12:23.000Z"