I tried:
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines/pipeline.yaml opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.yaml
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines/pipelines.yaml opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.yaml
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines/pipelines.yaml opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.conf
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines/pipelines.conf opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.conf
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines.conf opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.conf
I feel like I tried everything but I get error:
Error: runc: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "pipelines.conf": executable file not found in $PATH: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found
Okay so the last command should be the one to run.
docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v ./logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines.conf opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.conf
It seems like the logstash.conf isn’t actually getting mapped in which could be a permissions issue (does your docker group have permissions to this file?) or a directory issue.
Have your tried providing a fully qualified path for logstash.conf? Something like /Users/<username>/home/logstash.conf (this is just a sample you would need the right path depending on your system.
Thanks for reply,
I made these changes.
chmod to 777, chown to 1000.1000
now my file looks like: -rwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 1902 Jan 11 16:44 logstash.conf
I tried to run: docker run --name data-prepper -p 4900:4900 -v /etc/opensearch/dataprepper/logstash.conf:/usr/share/data-prepper/pipelines.conf opensearchproject/data-prepper:2.0.1 pipelines.conf
But go to an error: Error: runc: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "pipelines.conf": executable file not found in $PATH: OCI runtime attempted to invoke a command that was not found
Looks like I miss some exec file in $PATH which is /usr/share/data-prepper/ I think. But I pulled latest version and didnt make any changes to build.
Thank you for your interest. Your Logstash configuration has conditionals in it. At the moment, the Logstash converter does not support Logstash’s conditional statements.
Also, Data Prepper does not have a TCP source plugin. Is this something you would be interested in having?
Feel free to create a GitHub issue if you are interested in either of these features in Data Prepper.
We used logstash for a long time. But for every audit we had a security problem that it was Debian or Ubuntu based and we need to have every app RedHat or UBI-based. I know it is harder to build your own logstash than data-prepper build, because Opensearch makes great how-to-build and give you dockerfiles and everything you need.