Log retension period property

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):

Describe the issue:

Is it available log retension period propety ? If no, how does it determine to delete log records ?


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

Do you mean the log files generated by OpenSearch or OpenSearch-Dashboards themselves? For OpenSearch, you can configure log retention strategy in the config/log4j.properties file, for OpenSearch-Dashboards, there’s no default log retention strategy, you can setup a crontab job for it, such as use the logrotate tool in Linux to delete old log files.

Do you mean the log files generated by OpenSearch or OpenSearch-Dashboards themselves?
NO. I mean ingest data.

ISM will help, configure an ISM policy which can delete index created more than several days, see the documentation for more details: Index State Management - OpenSearch Documentation .