Kibana Reporting plugin not working

Similar issue here but another error. Just upgraded the whole stack (including beats) and started playing around with reports. Reports get generated (based on dashboard) but once I click on ‘PNG’ icon to down load, I get “Error downloading report” message. Kibana logs show a bizarre error indicating that it tries to connect to the localhost:5601 (why???) while my Kibana is not running on default URL at all. Obviously, I did not find anything about the respective configuration (I just hoped that maybe some specific definition for reporting is required in order to let the plugin know about Kibana’s URL).

{“type”:“log”,“@timestamp”:“2021-01-13T20:58:28Z”,“tags”:[“error”,“plugins”,“opendistroReportsKibana”],“pid”:29377,“message”:"Error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED at http://localhost:5601/app/dashboards#/view/826ab760-ee8e-11ea-a949-4f7c89c35c0b?_g=(time:(from:‘2021-01-13T20:20:33.222Z’,to:‘2021-01-13T20:50:33.222Z’))\