ISM Plugin Installation

Versions (relevant - OpenSearch/Dashboard/Server OS/Browser):
Open search helm vesion= 2.20.0
Dashboard version= 2.18.0
Opensearch version= 2.14.0

Describe the issue:
I want to use the ISM policy to delete the old indices. By default opensearch has an ISM plugin, It’s not listed on my plugins.

How to enable the ISM plugin?


Relevant Logs or Screenshots:

You mean you cannot see the ISM plugins by GET _cat/plugins API or cannot see Index management plugin in OpenSearch-Dashboards?

Hi @gaobinlong Thanks for the reply, I have shorted out. Currently we are creating the snapshot policy and other ISM policy manually, is there a way to automate that when installing the cluster setup by helm chart?

How about using the post-install hooks in Helm? We can call ISM’s API to create policies after the deployment completes.